
You're a soccer fan who receives his new ball in a parcel, but you find something odd with it. Inside your ball, you discover an SOS message from a distressed worker. You decide to contact a journalist for help, as someone is in grave danger!

Your goal is to save the factory workers by finding incriminating evidence of labor abuse.

It's up to you to investigate and find the evidence you need!

Escaposaurus is an M1 project where students have one week to create a game with a specific Escaposaurus framework developed by Stephanie Mader. Groups are randomly formed with a specific topic linked to a theme. This year, the theme was Objet de la Mondialisation, and we drew Ballon de football as our subject.

This is a game prototype produced in 4 days as part of a school project. We are fully aware that the game is not perfect, and that some videos and effects may look a little rough. Also, this game is only in French.



Bouyer Paul
Erussard Olivia
Gibert Lucas
Konate Moumine
Marrama Antoine
Roze Lilian

Game based on Escaposaurus v1.0 framework
Concept and Developed: Stéphanie Mader
Downloadable on  GitHub
Source code license: MIT


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I have just start the game and wow!

What a work! All those videos are immersive :D

PS: I released my first game this week. Thanks to have a look ;)